Directed by Martín Bollati

SED is an argentinian publishing house with specific focus on the enigmatic characteristics of the photographical image and its mutilple possibilities of discourse. The photographical image understood not in its specular condition but in its mirage curse: what we see is a product of our needs and desires. We crawl through the desert, seeking that drop of water and so we see it appearing, radiant and impossible, far away. For a moment its illusion hides the desert.

SED’s work methodology implies a collaborative development between authors, designers and publisher, building a horizontal line of work where dialogue, production and circulation of the published proyects is produced by shared responsability and means. The act of reading and its hyperlinking subject are fundamental axes of this system.

Each book is a latent unit that hides (besides an oasis and the treasure of possibility) a commited, profesional and affective team, that works in the passionate and complex task of editing, publishing and reading in Latinamerica.